Monday, March 4, 2019

Wasted years

WRITTEN BY: Taiwo Deborah
Wasted years
Body odours, Faded out clothes
Brownish teeth, grey hairs
Fragile body and salty tears
Carts pushed
Hoping to make end meet
Deep sighs, hungry stomachs
Throb of pain; arrival of old age!

Cursing inaudibly underthr eye of heaven
Major fragments of the globe, found everywhere
Birthed as a child should be
Having high dreams and great future ambitions
Sadly, they turn out to be who they've become

Aborted dreams, forfeited goals
Passing through sufferings untold
With a lot of huge stories to be told
Only if there was an ear to listen
Their offsprings dance to the tune of poverty
Daily, weekly, monthly and yearly.

Filled with regrets of not using the KEY
Bullies they were once never interested in academic work.
Some already in the family way at a tender age.
Decieved by a lying tongue and future proposals.
Others falling to look beyond that yesterday of the past.
They all have their stories to tell, their woes to share
They lament their wasted years and wish to go back to teen.
As they draw nearer and nearer to the crossing the bar.
Hoping he accepts them just as they are:

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