The mind you don't task will remain dormant for won't know the ability of a thing without putting it to use. To task means to exercise. exercise your MIND.
So how do I task my mind?
Idleness is beyond what people take it to be.I love this meaning of idleness. “Not turned to appropriate use; not occupied."Appropriate use; though in use but not for the right course. To be occupied is different from being busy.. If you are occupied, your mind is occupied, your time is occupied, your resources is occupied, everything' will be occupied.But you could be busy and and your mind is suspended.You can be busy and not be productive.. a man that wakes up in the morning and goes about talking is busy but idle.Idleness is the suspension of the mind. An idle mind is the devil's a man could be busy and still be idle. Idleness is a state of unproductivity.
Undertake greater projects:
Our God is the greatest God and he dares greater things , so we as his offsprings must dare greater things.. the people around me knows I love to do things big, it's not to show off but to exercise my mind. To stretch my mind. When we undertake greater tasks, we stretch our minds.
One of my mentors said to me "SUNKANMI, do it big. Don't play small. If you play small, they would talk, if you play big they would talk, so why not do it big and let them talk". We won't know how far we can go until we stretch ourselves_ David Oyedepo' jnr.
Books are the documentation of inspiration from other men. Their encounters, experiences and their Testimonies. When we read books. We sharpen and shape our minds.
Ben Carson said when we read books,we have intercourse with the author's mind.Books don't leave us in the same mind condition we were before we started reading. They change us.That's why we are not to read books to mark numbers meaning "I read so many books this week" without Impact on us, No.. but for a change!!
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