Friday, December 28, 2018

Injury Time

AUTHOR:Jose Wealth
There is always an injury time to every event,and what makes the end product of an event to be remarkable,memorable and enviable is what I call the MADE CHOICES. We are governed and channelled by the choices we make. God HIMSELF gave us an open cheque to making the right choices in(Deut 30:19) and to this effect, it implies that a life outside good choice making is a life arrayed in confusion and damnation because everything would seem right to a bearer of such life.
#Question1: What Choice are you making as 2018 is preparing to say goodbye to us and never to come?
#Question2: What choice(decision) are you making as 2019 is set to be opened to you and I?
Remember:::#God is dependent on the choices we make.
#what determines your end result in 2018 is the choice you make now
And conclusively::: The Decisions you make now,have a universal effect ...
STAY GLORIFIED...I love you!

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