Friday, March 1, 2019

The Victorious Life

Our lives had always been a tug of war
A seat of unrest and uproar
We wrestled against a mightily enemy
One who seemed unconquerable
One we couldn’t vanquish
We warred against him beyond our might
We did so with carnal weapons
We tried it with dead strength
We fought against the hordes of hell
But, defeat was our destiny
Till we gazed into the heavens
And behold! we found the verdict
This enemy, though mighty was defeated
Though wise, had become foolish
His pride had been made shame
We received power and strength
We accessed infinite wisdom
We became sons of heaven
Victory! Victory! we roared
Till the earths shook for joy
The words of our testimony became the God-kind
We had become more than conquerors
We’ve received strength beyond the worlds
Infinite understanding of the times is now our curse
We broke free from our adversary
The master we had served all our lives
And received authority, power and wisdom
To thrive in the dark world we journey
And to resist the defeated enemy's
This new life has made us free from the claws of sin
Broken the shackles of slavery and death from our feet
Saved us from the fiery furnace
Now, we thrive as a race of kings
As sons bought with a price
We are no longer slaves for He–the Christ
Has bestowed us with all blessings in the heavens
We are showered with love, grace and mercy
We have been called Victorious.

Victor Powei Subor

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